What are the delivery times?

All orders placed before 2pm are shipped the same day. La Poste ensures a delivery within 24 to 48 hours in Metropolitan France. Add 24 to 48 hours for deliveries in Europe, and allow 7 days for the rest of the world.

When your order is processed, a tracking link is sent to you.

How much is the shipping cost ?

5 € for metropolitan France and Europe.

Shipping costs are free for orders over 50 € and in relay points.

If I am not satisfied, can I get a refund ?

Of course you can!

1 - Call us at +33 970 403 017.

2 - Return the unused (sealed) boxes to us.

3 - We will give you a full refund, usually the same day.

Does Lactolérance allow me to eat all dairy products?

Yes! milk, cheese, yogurt, spreads, fresh cream, ice cream, desserts, etc.

All you have to do is adapt the number of capsules of Lactolerance 4500 or 9000 to the quantity of lactose absorbed.

For Lactolerance 1Day Organic, only 1 capsule per day is sufficient.

Moreover, Lactolerance is tasteless and sugar-free. Thus, it will not spoil the flavor of a salty dish for example.

Is it effective for medications with lactose as an excipient?

Yes, many people follow a strict lactose-free diet and use Lactolerance to avoid the side effects caused by the lactose in their medications. 20% of medications contain lactose, such as birth control pills and homeopathic pellets.

What are the symptoms of lactose intolerance?

- abdominal pain and cramps

- bloating,

- flatulence,

- diarrhea,

- in some cases: nausea, vomiting, constipation, headaches.

Most people with lactose intolerance experience only a few of these symptoms.

The symptoms usually appear between 15 minutes and 4 hours after ingesting the lactose, or even the next day.

What can I ingest with 1 capsule of Lactolerance 4500 or 9000?

This depends on your level of lactose intolerance and may vary from person to person.

In general, one capsule of Lactolerance 4500 allows you to ingest up to :

- 1 glass of milk or

- 2 yoghurts or

- 1/2 a camembert or

- 1 or 2 ice creams.

Usually, 1 capsule is enough for a complete meal (starter, main course, dessert). However, for dishes containing a large amount of lactose (fondue savoyarde, 4 cheese pizza, panna cotta, etc.), it is sometimes necessary to add 1 to 3 capsules of Lactolérance 4500 in case of severe intolerance. If you need at least 2 capsules of Lactolerance 4500 per meal, we advise you to choose Lactolerance 9000.

N.B.: the protective effect of Lactolerance 4500 and 9000 lasts approximately 45 minutes. If you continue to consume milk products beyond that time, it is recommended that you repeat the dose. 

Lactolerance 1Day Bio protects all day long and allows for 1 to 2 servings of lactose-containing foods per meal (these figures may vary from person to person).

Is there lactose in yogurt?

Yes, commercial yogurts contain lactose, but not homemade yogurts! 

Hard or pressed cheeses do not contain lactose or only traces of it.

Consult our special file on this subject by clicking here.

Is Lactolerance effective immediately?

Yes, Lactolerance 4500 and 9000 is effective immediately (no waiting period) and from the first use you will notice that you no longer have symptoms of lactose intolerance. Lactolerance 1Day Bio has a progressive action, effective from 7 days and optimal after a few weeks.

Does Lactolerance have side effects?

Yes, it may make you smile again when you enjoy a good milky dessert and return to a normal social life!

Otherwise, Lactolerance has absolutely no side effects. 

How long will my box last ?

It all depends on your lifestyle, your professional activity and how often you eat milk products. A box of Lactolerance 4500 and 9000 can last about a month to a month and a half for a person who works outside the home during the day and avoids lactose at home. 1 month for Lactolerance 1Day Organic.

Is Lactolerance caloric?

Each tablet contains 0.7 calories... it's hard to do less!

Is Lactolerance natural ?

The lactase contained in Lactolerance 4500 and 9000 is a natural product that is perfectly well tolerated by the body and does not cause any adverse effects. Lactolerance 1Day Organic is certified organic by Ecocert.

Why 4500 or 9000 ?

This figure indicates the theoretical (in vitro) digestible quantity of lactose per capsule. 4500 FCC of lactase allow to digest up to 22,5 grams of lactose, up to 45 grams for 9000 FCC. These quantities vary according to each organism and in particular according to the level of acidity of the digestive tract.

Is there a test to know if I am lactose intolerant?

Yes, the hydrogen test, or BHT (Breath Hydrogen Test): performed after ingesting 50 grams of cow's milk, it is based on the measurement of hydrogen in the exhaled air. A production of more than 20 ppm of hydrogen confirms the diagnosis. This test must be done in a hospital. Talk to your doctor. We do not recommend genetic testing because it does not identify acquired lactose intolerance, for example, following a medical treatment.

Is Lactolerance made in France ?

Lactolerance is made in Europe. Laboratoire Physiosynthèse is a 100% French company. We are located at 31 rue de Bretagne, 75003 Paris.

Are Lactolerance 4500 and 9000 suitable for children ?

Yes, from the age of 3, provided that the capsule is opened and the powder is spread on the food, to prevent any risk of choking. Lactolérance 1Day is suitable from the age of 6.

I am pregnant, can I use Lactolerance?

Unfortunately, there are no specific studies on lactase supplementation for pregnant women. Therefore, the precautionary principle applies and we do not advise them to take lactase.

Is lactose intolerance an allergy?

Allergy is an abnormal reaction of the body to a foreign element, not necessarily dangerous, called an allergen. It involves the participation of the defense system, called the immune system. It can take on very severe proportions, depending on the sensitivity of the allergic subject. Its treatment is often heavy and difficult.

There is indeed an allergy to milk and more precisely to milk protein. It manifests itself mainly in children, by digestive signs, but also respiratory and skin signs (eczema).

Lactose intolerance, on the other hand, is not an allergic disease because it does not involve the immune system. It is simply the result of poor digestion of another component of milk, lactose. Its consequences are much less serious and its treatment easier.

I am allergic to milk proteins, can Lactolerance help me?

Unfortunately not, Lactolerance facilitates the assimilation of lactose but not of the protein.

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