What do nutritionists think?
Julie Delorme Nutritionniste

Julie Delorme Nutritionist

Hello, Julie Delorme. You are a dietician-nutritionist, specialized in gastrointestinal diseases and disorders. What is the link between digestive disorders and food intolerances?

JD: Hello. In France, approximately 10 million people suffer from stomach aches, bloating and/or transit problems. In 80% of cases, these disorders are functional, i.e. no organic pathology is the cause and these digestive symptoms are often triggered or aggravated by food intolerances, such as lactose intolerance.

What are the most common misconceptions about the presence or absence of lactose in foods?

JD: It is generally thought that lactose is present in all dairy products. Cheeses, for example, contain relatively little lactose, but there are other foods that we don't always think about, such as certain deli meats and sauces.

What do you think of Lactolerance® ?

JD: In order to be absorbed, lactose must be digested by an enzyme called lactase. It is its deficiency in the body, whether temporary or permanent, that is responsible for lactose intolerance. By taking lactase capsules, we compensate for this deficiency. 

Lactolerance® is therefore a simple and effective way to continue to eat foods rich in lactose, without suffering from unpleasant digestive symptoms. I use it myself and I recommend it to my patients.

What do you recommend to your lactose intolerant patients?

JD: I tell them exactly what foods they can eat and what foods can cause them problems. I give them personalized advice, teach them how to read labels, cook without lactose and find alternative foods. I give them the tools to control their intolerance and improve their quality of life.

How do you explain that some people, despite all the precautions they take with regard to lactose, continue to have digestive problems?

JD: It is very likely that these people have several food intolerances. A visit to a specialized dietician-nutritionist would help identify them.


Dietitian Nutritionist

Specialist in digestive diseases and disorders

Consultation by phone, skype or at the office.

Phone : or [email protected]

435 avenue Victor Hugo - 26000 Valence

Website : http://delormenutrition.com/

Pack Protection 24h Intolérance au lactose

24h Protection Pack Lactose Intolerance

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