Lactose-free tiramisu recipe


What better dessert to put a smile back on your face than tiramisu? 🇮🇹

Its name comes from the Italian word "tirami sù", which means "cheer me up". But this happiness should not be reserved for people who digest lactose ! Fortunately, there are now delicious recipes for lactose-free tiramisu that are as simple as they are tasty. Discover ours!


Once upon a time there was tiramisu

Let's whet our appetites by exploring the origins of this emblematic Italian dessert. This staple of Mediterranean restaurants is thought to have originated in Tuscany at the end of the 18th century. Its success is attributed to Cosimo III de' Medici, who admired the dessert and praised its merits beyond Italy's borders.

But this legend is not the only one: the tiramisu could also be, quite simply, an "anti-gaspi" recipe. This delicious dessert was made so as not to throw away dry cakes and cold coffee. In any case, the first written recipe dates back to the 1970s, when Italy began to put its gastronomic heritage down on paper.

How do I make a delicious lactose-free tiramisu?

Step 1 - Ingredients :

The ingredients of our lactose-free tiramisu recipe

Now it's your turn to concoct your own tiramisu, with this lactose-free recipe that can be enjoyed by everyone!

We've taken our inspiration from the excellent tiramisu created by Marie Chioca and Brigitte Fichaux in their book "Cuisiner sans lait", available from Terre Vivante.

Quantities correspond to a tiramisu for 8 people. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

For the cream

  • 150 g virgin or deodorised coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp liquid vanilla extract
  • 150 g agave syrup
  • 400 g silken tofu
  • 3 eggs

For the biscuit and filling

  • 300 ml coffee
  • 4 tbsp agave syrup
  • 1 tablespoon amaretto
  • About twenty lactose-free spoon biscuits
  • Cocoa powder

Stage 2 - preparation :

How do you make this delicious lactose-free tiramisu?

  • Start by gently melting the virgin coconut oil, mixed with the liquid vanilla extract and agave syrup.
  • Then add the silken tofu, which has been thoroughly drained just long enough to heat through.
  • Blend the mixture in a food processor. Add the three egg yolks and leave the white aside. Blend until smooth and frothy.
  • Whisk the three egg whites until stiff, then fold them gently into the cream. The result will be slightly runny, but the coconut oil will help it solidify in the fridge.
  • Set your cream aside and prepare the syrup.
  • Mix the coffee, agave syrup and amaretto.
  • Dip your sponge biscuits in your syrup and place them one by one in a mould to line the base. Sprinkle with the sifted cocoa powder. Pour in a third of the cream.
  • Repeat the operation twice with a layer of soaked biscuits, cocoa and another third of cream.
  • Chill the mixture in the fridge for a dozen hours.

Enjoy your tiramisu chilled and sprinkle with cocoa just before serving: all you have to do is enjoy!



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