Tests for lactose intolerance


On a day-to-day basis, lactose intolerance can cause a number of problems These include stomach upsets, bloating and diarrhoea. There are almost 5 million people in France who suffer from this type of digestive problem as soon as they consume milk products.

However, the link between these disorders and lactose consumption is not always clear-cut. That's why the lactose intolerance test can help you to better understand and deal with these problems.

What is lactose intolerance?

Let's go back to the basics first: lactose is the milk sugarMore precisely, it is a complex sugar that can only be digested when it is transformed into a simple sugar. To carry out this transformation and make lactose assimilated by the digestive tract, our body must produce the enzyme lactase in the small intestine.

Lactose intolerance therefore corresponds to insufficient production of lactase by the body.. In the absence of this enzyme, lactose ferments in the digestive tract and causes digestive disorders.

It is possible to have a lactose intolerance test carried out to confirm the cause of the discomfort and adapt the diet accordingly.

What are the different tests for lactose intolerance?

There are several types of lactose intolerance tests, some of which are more accurate than others and may be prescribed by your doctor.

To begin with, you can carry out the temporary dairy avoidance test. This is the simplest and most revealing test. For three days, you should ban all products containing lactose from your diet (read all labels carefully) and note any improvements you notice in your digestion. After these three days, return to your usual diet and note whether your usual digestive problems return. If this is the case, lactose intolerance is very likely.

It is also possible to carry out a lactase supplementation test.. To do this, take a lactase capsule then a lactose-containing food and watch out for the appearance of digestive problems. If your usual discomfort disappears thanks to lactase supplementation, you are certainly lactose intolerant. To continue eating foods containing lactose, turn to to Lactolérance lactase capsules to offset your deficit. Don't hesitate to talk to your doctor.

The lactose intolerance test can also take the form of a breath test the " Breath hydrogen test "This test consists of measuring the level of hydrogen released before and after lactose intake. This intolerance test is carried out in hospital and takes around 3 hours.

A genetic test can detect primary lactose intoleranceHowever, it is not very useful for detecting secondary intolerances caused, for example, by medical treatment or illness.

If it is rarely practised, lactose intolerance blood test measures blood glucose levels before and after lactose consumption. If blood glucose levels do not rise after ingestion, lactose intolerance is present.

In the event of recurrent problems, it is important to have a lactose intolerance test carried out: this will enable you to adapt your diet and plan lactase supplementation when you wish to consume lactose products.

Lactose intolerance in France

In France, 5 million people suffer from lactose-related digestive disorders They have a stomach ache, bloating and diarrhoea every time they consume a milk product.

Eating out and socialising are often problematic: is there fresh cream in this sauce? Does this croissant contain milk? Does this sausage contain lactose? How frustrating it is to be forced to deprive yourself of a varied diet! You have to give up cheese, yoghurt, ice cream, cakes, sauces, etc.

With Lactolérance you can consume all dairy products as you wish, without deprivation, without inconvenience, naturally !

* If you are on medical treatment, you should never stop it, even if your medication contains lactose. Talk to your doctor.

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